Thursday, February 16, 2017

SB 280

Sue Malek


  1. Sending the following end of day today:

    Senators Fielder and Sands,
    Missoula County supports SB 280 – Generally revise DUI laws, before Senate Judiciary tomorrow morning. This legislation will help save lives and stop drunk driving by allowing drunk drivers to use an ignition interlock in lieu of license suspension. In just 10 years, interlocks in Montana have prevented 5,230 attempts by DUI offenders to start their vehicles when their BAC exceeded .08. Interlocks are a way to use technology to prevent DUI offenders from driving drunk, thereby serving two important policy goals by (1) reducing recidivism through rehabilitation and (2) enhancing the safety of our public roadways.SB 280 allows first-time drunk drivers to use an ignition interlock for six months during a license suspension and for repeat offenders to use the device for one year. SB 280 will be revenue neutral to implement through current fees paid by drunk drivers. In addition, Montana is eligible to receive a $129,000 annual appropriation, because this legislation should meet the interlock incentive grant standards in the Federal FAST Act.
    Please support SB 280.

  2. Sent the following at noon on Tuesday (3/21):

    Missoula County supports SB 280 – Generally revise DUI laws, being heard on the Senate floor this afternoon. This legislation will help save lives and stop drunk driving by allowing drunk drivers to use an ignition interlock in lieu of license suspension. In just 10 years, interlocks in Montana have prevented 5,230 attempts by DUI offenders to start their vehicles when their BAC exceeded .08. Interlocks are a way to use technology to prevent DUI offenders from driving drunk, thereby serving two important policy goals by (1) reducing recidivism through rehabilitation and (2) enhancing the safety of our public roadways.SB 280 allows first-time drunk drivers to use an ignition interlock for six months during a license suspension and for repeat offenders to use the device for one year. SB 280 will be revenue neutral to implement through current fees paid by drunk drivers. In addition, Montana is eligible to receive a $129,000 annual appropriation, because this legislation should meet the interlock incentive grant standards in the Federal FAST Act.
    Please support SB 280.

  3. Sending the following Tuesday (4/4) end of day:

    Missoula County supports SB 280 – Generally revise DUI laws, being heard in House Judiciary tomorrow morning. This legislation will help save lives and stop drunk driving by allowing drunk drivers to use an ignition interlock in lieu of license suspension. In just 10 years, interlocks in Montana have prevented 5,230 attempts by DUI offenders to start their vehicles when their BAC exceeded .08. Interlocks are a way to use technology to prevent DUI offenders from driving drunk, thereby serving two important policy goals by (1) reducing recidivism through rehabilitation and (2) enhancing the safety of our public roadways. SB 280 allows first-time drunk drivers to use an ignition interlock for six months during a license suspension and for repeat offenders to use the device for one year. SB 280 will be revenue neutral to implement through current fees paid by drunk drivers. In addition, Montana is eligible to receive a $129,000 annual appropriation, because this legislation should meet the interlock incentive grant standards in the Federal FAST Act.

    Please support SB 280.


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