Tuesday, February 21, 2017

SB 239

Roger Webb

Revise landlord and tenant act regarding abandonment of rental property


  1. Per Chris Lounsbury: Missoula County Opposes SB 239 - Revise landlord and tenant act regarding abandonment of rental property – in Senate Judiciary today. SB 239 creates a new classification of theft based on failure to pay rent. Missoula County is concerned that the creation of a new crime for what has historically been a civil issue may lead to increased incarceration for non-violent offenders. Missoula County believes the issues related to a dispute between a landlord and tenant are best served through the civil not criminal process.

  2. Sending the following end of day today:

    Senators Fielder and Sands,
    Missoula County opposes SB 239 - Revise landlord and tenant act regarding abandonment of rental property, being heard in Senate Judiciary tomorrow morning. SB 239 creates a new classification of theft based on failure to pay rent. Missoula County is concerned that the creation of a new crime for what has historically been a civil issue may lead to increased incarceration for non-violent offenders. Missoula County believes the issues related to a dispute between a landlord and tenant are best served through the civil not criminal process.
    Please oppose SB 239.


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