Thursday, February 16, 2017

SB 254

Mark Blasdel


  1. Sent the following this morning:

    Senators Facey and Salomon,

    Missoula County opposes SB 254 - Provide fees in statute for licensure as retail food establishment, as heard in Senate Business, Labor and Economic Affairs this morning. SB 254 will revert to placing fees for restaurants, grocery stores and bars back into Administrative Rule. Moving the fee setting to rule-making process was an adopted part of the comprehensive "Food Modernization Act" put together in the 2013-2015 interim and was reviewed by interested parties (state, local, food purveyors) represented on the DPHHS Food Safety Advisory Committee. The license fees do not cover the cost of the mandate, which places the burden on the local taxpayer. In Missoula, the fee covers 29 percent of the cost and this percentage dropping each year.

    Please oppose SB 254.

  2. To be sent today at 12:00:


    Missoula County opposes SB 254 - Provide fees in statute for licensure as retail food establishment, being heard on the Senate floor this afternoon. SB 254 will revert to placing fees for restaurants, grocery stores and bars back into Administrative Rule. Moving the fee setting to rule-making process was an adopted part of the comprehensive "Food Modernization Act" put together in the 2013-2015 interim and was reviewed by interested parties (state, local, food purveyors) represented on the DPHHS Food Safety Advisory Committee. The license fees do not cover the cost of the mandate, which places the burden on the local taxpayer. In Missoula, the fee covers 29 percent of the cost and this percentage dropping each year.

    Please oppose SB 254.

  3. To be sent today(4/7) at Noon:


    Missoula County opposes SB 254 - Provide fees in statute for licensure as retail food establishment, being heard on the House floor this afternoon. SB 254 will revert to placing fees for restaurants, grocery stores and bars back into Administrative Rule. Moving the fee setting to rule-making process was an adopted part of the comprehensive "Food Modernization Act" put together in the 2013-2015 interim and was reviewed by interested parties (state, local, food purveyors) represented on the DPHHS Food Safety Advisory Committee. The license fees do not cover the cost of the mandate, which places the burden on the local taxpayer. In Missoula, the fee covers 29 percent of the cost and this percentage dropping each year.

    Please oppose SB 254.

  4. Found mis-blogged, Was Sent Wednesday (3/29) morning:

    Representatives Curdy, Loge, and Olsen,
    Missoula County opposes SB 254 - Provide fees in statute for licensure as retail food establishment, being heard in House Business and Labor tomorrow morning. SB 254 will revert to placing fees for restaurants, grocery stores and bars back into Administrative Rule. Moving the fee setting to rule-making process was an adopted part of the comprehensive "Food Modernization Act" put together in the 2013-2015 interim and was reviewed by interested parties (state, local, food purveyors) represented on the DPHHS Food Safety Advisory Committee. The license fees do not cover the cost of the mandate, which places the burden on the local taxpayer. In Missoula, the fee covers 29 percent of the cost and this percentage dropping each year.
    Please oppose SB 254.


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