Tuesday, February 21, 2017

HB 540

Mark Noland

Generally revise laws related to aquatic invasive species


  1. From Bryce: We have been following the development of this bill and we are opposed to it for the following reasons:

    HB 540 seeks to remove the management and authority over the Montana Aquatic Invasive Species program and place it under a newly created AIS council composed by the most part, by conservation district supervisors from across the state. Our concerns with this new structure include:
    1.It is important to have FWP continue as the lead agency for aquatic invasive species. They are the only entity that have the law enforcement support, biologists and structure to deal with the threat of AIS in our State
    2.The Governor stood up an entire Incident Command team and offered fantastic resources to come up with new suggestions and they are already planning on partnering with MACD, Tribes, counties, watershed groups, municipalities etc. to do what’s in this bill.
    3.We are facing a clear and present danger and the state is working as quickly as possible to stand up a rock solid program before ice out. Creating at new council or doing other things suggested in this bill would slow momentum down unnecessarily.
    4.There is no money attached to this bill to fund and staff this council
    5.We have trust in the recommendation made by the mussel incident command team’s recommendations and this bill was built outside of that.

  2. Sending the following tomorrow afternoon:

    Representative Curdy,

    Missoula County opposes HB 540 - Generally revise laws related to aquatic invasive species, before House Natural Resources this afternoon. HB 540 seeks to remove the management and authority over the Montana Aquatic Invasive Species program and place it under a newly created AIS council largely comprised of district supervisors from across the state. It is important to have FWP continue as the lead agency for aquatic invasive species, as they are the only entity that have the law enforcement support, biologists and structure to deal with the threat of AIS in Montana. There is strong progress being made currently and changing these laws would interrupt the work being done.

    Please oppose HB 540.


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