Tuesday, February 21, 2017

HB 532

Kim Abbott

Establish online voter registration

1 comment:

  1. Sent the following to Representative Bennett:

    Representative Bennett,
    Missoula County supports HB 532 - Establish online voter registration, being heard tomorrow morning in House State Administration. Last February the Missoula County Elections Office and the University of Montana conducted a scientific county-wide phone survey. In various parts of the survey, respondents were asked what new technology they would prefer or how to make elections more accessible, and the overwhelming answer was “online voter registration.” When directly asked: Would you support online voter registration, 62 percent of respondents “strongly agreed.” Thirty four states and the District of Columbia all offer online voter registration. Offering online voter registration makes registering to vote more accessible, but also allows voters to update their information more easily with election officials. Election Offices could have more accurate voter records on file, which is important in protecting the integrity of elections.
    Please support HB 532.


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