Thursday, January 26, 2017

HB 6

Jim Keane


  1. Sending the following end of day tomorrow:
    Senator Wolken,

    Missoula County supports HB 6 – Renewable resource grants, being heard in Senate Finance and Claims tomorrow morning. HB 6 includes funding for the Sunset West Water District, which serves approximately 40 homes. The $125,000 funding for Sunset West included in HB 6 will provide for critical infrastructure and disinfection improvements in a time where local budgets are constrained. Missoula County has applied for a DNRC RRGL grant to assist the County with the installation of a contact chlorination system for the Sunset West Water system. The purpose of the chlorination system is to combat against the presence of fecal coliforms in the water supply. In the past, the system has experienced numerous hits for unknown reasons. DEQ's recommendation is to chlorinate the water supply within the Sunset West Water District.

    Please support HB 6.

  2. Sending the following Thursday at 8 a.m.:

    Senator Wolken,
    Missoula County supports HB 6 – Renewable resource grants, being heard in Senate Finance and Claims tomorrow morning. HB 6 includes funding for the Sunset West Water District, which serves approximately 40 homes. The $125,000 funding for Sunset West included in HB 6 will provide for critical infrastructure and disinfection improvements in a time where local budgets are constrained. Missoula County has applied for a DNRC RRGL grant to assist the County with the installation of a contact chlorination system for the Sunset West Water system. The purpose of the chlorination system is to combat against the presence of fecal coliforms in the water supply. In the past, the system has experienced numerous hits for unknown reasons. DEQ's recommendation is to chlorinate the water supply within the Sunset West Water District.
    Please support HB 6.

  3. Sent the following yesterday (4/11) at noon:

    Missoula County continues to support HB 6 – Renewable resource grants, being heard on Senate floor this morning. HB 6 includes funding for the Sunset West Water District, which serves approximately 40 homes. The $125,000 funding for Sunset West included in HB 6 will provide for critical infrastructure and disinfection improvements in a time where local budgets are constrained. Missoula County has applied for a DNRC RRGL grant to assist the County with the installation of a contact chlorination system for the Sunset West Water system. The purpose of the chlorination system is to combat against the presence of fecal coliforms in the water supply. In the past, the system has experienced numerous hits for unknown reasons. DEQ's recommendation is to chlorinate the water supply within the Sunset West Water District.

    Please support HB 6.


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