Thursday, December 15, 2016

HB 83

Bryce Bennett


  1. Per Rebecca Connors: "Many of the changes are pretty standard. I don't believe the County has to weigh in on this bill unless for general support."

  2. Notes from Linda Stoll: HB 83 is the result of bi-partisan interim committee work focused on making repairs or correcting oversights from the big election bill (HB 84) of the 2015 session. My recollection is that the bill passed out of the committee unanimously. Here’s the rundown on what it does:

    Section 1 - requires local initiative or referendum elections – those allowed in 7-5-132 – to be conducted in conjunction with the next local election;

    Section 2 - re-instates notice provisions (which were inadvertently stricken in the big bill) related to resort tax elections;

    Section 3 - adds to the definition of “election administrator” language clarifying that only clerk and recorders (or election administrators) are responsible for voter registration duties relating to school elections;

    Section 4 - establishes a new timeline for write-in declarations for local elections. This new timeline is intended to provide adequate time to cancel an uncontested election before the deadline to submit a written plan for mail ballot;

    Section 5 - clarifies that absentee ballots are available for in-person absentee balloting 30 days before the election;

    Section 6 –adds acclamation language back into conservation district election held in conjunction with the primary and federal elections (must have been inadvertently stricken in the big bill);

    Section 7 –makes publication of close of registration for all elections, including school elections;

    Section 8 - clarifies that an alternative means of casting a ballot for elderly and disabled voters if their polling place has been determined to be inaccessible;

    Section 9 - provides for time line consistency between when absentee ballots are available (13-13-205) and the filing dates for write-in declarations;

    Section 10 - is language clean up clarifying that ballots be available 30 days before the election for absentee voters who vote in person and provides this option for conservation district ballots;

    Section 11 – is more consistency language, reiterating that an absentee voter can come into an EA’s office 30 days before an election in person and apply for, receive and cast an absentee ballot.;

    Section 12 – clarifies that uncontested school elections can be canceled and that the trustees of the school district are responsible to notice the cancelation of the election;

    Section 13 – adds language to school district election notice provisions, requiring information be provided regarding late registration;

    Section 14 – provides for a transition phase for the terms of office associated with special districts that were previously held on election times other than with the school election (e.g., water and sewer) as the election deadlines have been moved to occur in conjunction with school elections;

    Section 15 – provides for an immediate applicability date, meaning this law will be in effect for the May school elections.

  3. Sending the following to Representative Bennett end of day Thursday:

    Representative Bennett,
    Missoula County supports HB 83 – Generally revise election laws, before House State Administration tomorrow morning, and thanks you for sponsoring this legislation. Ensuring accessible and transparent elections is critical for all Montanans and we sincerely thank you for your continued efforts.
    Vickie Zeier on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners

  4. Sent the following to MC Reps. on the floor:


    Missoula County supports HB 83 – Generally revise election laws, on the House floor this afternoon, and thanks Representative Bennett for sponsoring this legislation. Ensuring accessible and transparent elections is critical for all Montanans.

    Please support HB 83.

  5. Sent the following to MC Reps. on the floor:


    Missoula County supports HB 83 – Generally revise election laws, on the House floor this afternoon, and thanks Representative Bennett for sponsoring this legislation. Ensuring accessible and transparent elections is critical for all Montanans.

    Please support HB 83.

  6. To be sent Monday:
    Senator Malek,
    Missoula County supports HB 83 – Generally revise election laws, before Senate State Administration this afternoon, and thanks Representative Bennett for sponsoring this legislation. Ensuring accessible and transparent elections is critical for all Montanans.
    Please support HB 83.

  7. Sending today at noon:


    Missoula County supports HB 83 – Generally revise election laws, being heard on the Senate floor this afternoon. Ensuring accessible and transparent elections is critical for all Montanans.
    Please support HB 83.

  8. To be sent today(3/31) at noon:


    Missoula County continues to support HB 83 as amended – Generally revise election laws, being heard on the House floor this afternoon, and thanks Representative Bennett for carrying this legislation. Ensuring accessible and transparent elections is critical for all Montanans.

    Please support HB 83.


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