Thursday, March 9, 2017

SB 332

Dee Brown


  1. Per Rob Taylor: I think the intent of this change is great….I worry about attaching a dollar amount (especially one as low as $10) to the daily storage fee as part of the statute. The rub here is that $10 sound good in some parts of the state where a county runs their own impound yard and traditionally have zero revenue for impounded vehicles….however, many of the large counties, us included, outsource most all impounds to local tow companies and may find it difficult to find a tow yard that is willing to indefinitely be bound by a $10 fee because the statute says so. I would ask that they amend it to read something like, “reasonable fee as normally charged by impound yard” or something to that effect.

  2. Sending the following today at noon:

    Missoula County opposes SB 332 – Revise laws related to unpaid warrants and impoundment fees, being heard on the Senate floor this afternoon. While Missoula County supports the intent of this legislation, the daily storage fee will not cover the expense of storing the vehicle, creating additional costs to Missoula County, and ultimately, taxpayers. In large counties, local tow companies impound vehicles. Their cost is higher than the $10 fee proposed in SB 332. Attaching a low dollar amount to impoundment fees is not sustainable for large counties, such as Missoula.
    Please oppose SB 332


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