Wednesday, March 22, 2017

HB 630

Gordon Pierson

Generally revise vehicle title laws

1 comment:

  1. To be sent today (3/24) at 2:00:

    Representative Loge,

    Missoula County supports HB 630 - Revise vehicle title laws, being heard in House Transportation this afternoon. HB 630 would streamline processes for customers who chose to title their vehicle immediately. This allows the Missoula County Clerk and Recorder/Treasurer's Office to issue titles instead of sending the title to Helena for issuance. This process currently takes more than a month to issue a title. HB 630 would improve convenience to customers. This is not a new process for the Missoula County Clerk and Recorder/Treasurer's Office, as we issue security paper for both birth and death certificates.

    Please support HB 630.


    Vickie Zeier on behalf of the Missoula County Commission


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