Tuesday, February 14, 2017

SB 203


Nels Swandal

Revise laws related to boarding animals


  1. Sending the following to Senators Sands and Fielder end of day:

    Dear Senators Sands and Fielder:

    Missoula County strongly supports SB 203 allowing a court to require posting of a bond (by the animal owner) to pay for expenses incurred in caring for an animal while charges are pending and during trial.

    Montana counties are charged with responding to animal welfare situations. Carrying out these duties often requires that the animal be removed from the owner and placed in the custody of the county while litigation is pending. In cases of lengthy litigation the costs for animal care can be very large, especially as the animals often need veterinarian care as well and shelter and food. The costs can go quite high when a large number of animals are involved or the animals themselves are large.

    For example, Missoula County recently incurred nearly $20,000 toward the care of three thoroughbred horses kept in our custody for over one year awaiting disposition of the court case and appeals. Passage of SB 203 provides other options that better serve the animals, the shelters, and the taxpayers. These include:
    • Reducing huge animal care bills incurred while waiting for disposition of cases.
    • Allowing for re-homing the animals without having to wait until the end of a court case if the defendant cannot post bond.
    • Protecting jurisdictions and shelters from large care bills, thereby freeing up resources to attend to other animal care and control needs in our communities.
    Thank you for your consideration of our comments on SB 203.

  2. To be sent today at noon:

    Missoula County strongly supports SB 203- Revise laws related to boarding animals, being heard on the Senate floor this afternoon. SB 203 will allow for a court to require posting of a bond by the animal owner to pay for expenses incurred in caring for an animal while charges are pending and during trial.
    Montana counties are charged with responding to animal welfare situations. Carrying out these duties often requires that the animal be removed from the owner and placed in the custody of the county while litigation is pending. In cases of lengthy litigation the costs for animal care can be very large, especially as the animals often need veterinarian care as well and shelter and food. The costs can go quite high when a large number of animals are involved or the animals themselves are large.
    For example, Missoula County recently incurred nearly $20,000 toward the care of three thoroughbred horses kept in our custody for over one year awaiting disposition of the court case and appeals. Passage of SB 203 provides other options that better serve the animals, the shelters, and the taxpayers. These include:
    •Reducing huge animal care bills incurred while waiting for disposition of cases.
    •Allowing for re-homing the animals without having to wait until the end of a court case if the defendant cannot post bond.
    •Protecting jurisdictions and shelters from large care bills, thereby freeing up resources to attend to other animal care and control needs in our communities.
    Please support SB 203.


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