Tuesday, February 21, 2017

SB 297

Jedediah Hinkle


  1. Per Rebecca Connors: SB 297 – Opposed to revising laws related to voters in a school district election; providing that certain individuals who own real property in a school district may vote. I am opposed to the language to allow a voter owning “a minimum of 50% of the fee title interest in real property.” Election Administrators are not title companies nor attorneys and cannot determine ownership in property. I would offer an amendment to the language for 20-20-301 (a) to read similarly to other special district law in that the owner show proof of payment of taxes. Tax information is readily available and can be easily interpreted.

    I would recommend wording that replicates fire district qualifications:

    7-33-2106 (4) 4) An elector, as defined in 13-1-101, who resides in the district or any holder of title to lands within the district who presents a proof of payment of taxes on the lands at the polling place is eligible to vote in the election.

  2. Sending tomorrow (3/23) at 8 a.m.:

    Representative Bennett,
    Missoula County opposes SB 297 – Generally revise laws related to voters in school districts elections, being heard tomorrow morning in House State Administration. SB 297 would allow individuals who own real property within a school district to vote in a school district election. Specifically, the Missoula County Elections office is concerned with their office’s inability to verify ownership in property. Please oppose SB 297.


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