Thursday, February 2, 2017

HB 341

Mary Ann Dunwell
Generally revise state employee travel and per diem laws


  1. Per Barbara Berens: I would urge support of this bill. In the past these sections of the MCA only applied to state officials, appointed boards, commissions, etc. The revisions expand the applicability to all public officials, appointed boards, etc. The state's very low per diem rates have long been out of date and are specified as $35/night for lodging, and $5, $6, and $12 for breakfast, lunch, and dinner respectively. The bill will incorporate the federal per diem rates which are adjusted annually to presumably reflect the actual cost of travel. The Missoula County Travel Policy also uses the federal per diem rates for out of state travel, and I have been contemplating amending our policy so that the federal rates apply in state, as well.

    This bill would be a much needed change to the MCA.

  2. Sending the following message to Representative Bennett end of day today:

    Representative Bennett,

    Missoula County supports HB 341 - Generally revise state employee travel and per diem laws, before House State Administration tomorrow morning. HB 341 will update sections of MCA that previously only applied to state officials and other appointed positions. HB 341 now expands the applicability to all public officials to incorporate the federal per diem rates, which are adjusted annually to presumably reflect actual travel costs.

    Please support HB 341.

  3. Sending the following today at noon:
    Missoula County supports HB 341 - Generally revise state employee travel and per diem laws, being heard on the House floor this afternoon. HB 341 will update sections of MCA that previously only applied to state officials and other appointed positions. HB 341 now expands the applicability to all public officials to incorporate the federal per diem rates, which are adjusted annually to presumably reflect actual travel costs.
    Please support HB 341.


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