Per Shantelle Gaynor: I think that this is legislation that Missoula County can support. It is based on model legislation from another state and has grown out of some dedicated work in Ravalli County. That being said, I have concerns with the Office of Public Instruction being the keeper of the "evidence-based" prevention and awareness materials. This is not their area of expertise, and as far as I know there is not a firm commitment for OPI to work with existing groups that address child sexual abuse such as the Children's Alliance of Montana (Montana's membership, training, and technical assistance provider for the state's child advocacy centers such as First Step).
Per Shantelle Gaynor: I think that this is legislation that Missoula County can support. It is based on model legislation from another state and has grown out of some dedicated work in Ravalli County. That being said, I have concerns with the Office of Public Instruction being the keeper of the "evidence-based" prevention and awareness materials. This is not their area of expertise, and as far as I know there is not a firm commitment for OPI to work with existing groups that address child sexual abuse such as the Children's Alliance of Montana (Montana's membership, training, and technical assistance provider for the state's child advocacy centers such as First Step).