Per Shannon Therriault: The Health Department is not opposed to this bill, which allows elk and deer to be served by certain non-profits. In fact, we already allow this practice locally, through policy. The good thing about this bill is that it requires the game to be processed at Department of Livestock inspected facilities, where the operators are trained in sanitation, proper holding temperatures, and food safety principles. The Montana Environmental Health Association has been discussing the bill, and does not oppose the changes (though an official decision may not yet be made). We will want to keep an eye out for amendments, but as it is written now, it is fine.
Per Shannon Therriault: The Health Department is not opposed to this bill, which allows elk and deer to be served by certain non-profits. In fact, we already allow this practice locally, through policy. The good thing about this bill is that it requires the game to be processed at Department of Livestock inspected facilities, where the operators are trained in sanitation, proper holding temperatures, and food safety principles. The Montana Environmental Health Association has been discussing the bill, and does not oppose the changes (though an official decision may not yet be made). We will want to keep an eye out for amendments, but as it is written now, it is fine.