Friday, December 16, 2016

HB 118

Jonathan Windy Boy


  1. Per Rob Taylor: "This looks a lot like 117. No issues."

  2. Sent the following message to Rep. Bennett:

    Missoula County supports HB 117 – Provide an appropriation for grants to local veteran suicide prevention efforts, and HB 118 - Revise and provide additional funding for state suicide prevention program, before House State Administration tomorrow morning. These bills provide increased funding for suicide prevention activities. The Missoula City-County Health Department currently employs a half-time employee and often relies on community volunteers to conduct suicide prevention trainings. Missoula has the highest number of veteran suicides of any county in Montana, and the second highest number of all suicides, following Yellowstone County. Funding to support instructor training, literature and increased outreach with high risk groups would provide significant, and much-needed, assistance to our community.

  3. Sent the following to MC Reps. on the floor:


    Missoula County supports HB 117 – Provide an appropriation for grants to local veteran suicide prevention efforts, and HB 118 - Revise and provide additional funding for state suicide prevention program, on the House floor this afternoon. These bills provide increased funding for suicide prevention activities. The Missoula City-County Health Department currently employs a half-time employee and often relies on community volunteers to conduct suicide prevention trainings. Missoula has the highest number of veteran suicides of any county in Montana, and the second highest number of all suicides, following Yellowstone County. Funding to support instructor training, literature and increased outreach with high risk groups would provide significant, and much-needed, assistance to our community.

    Please support HB 117 and HB 118.

  4. Sending the following tomorrow (4/5) at 3 p.m.:

    Senator Malek,
    Missoula County supports HB 118 - Revise and provide additional funding for state suicide prevention program, being heard in Senate State Administration tomorrow morning. HB 118 provides increased funding for suicide prevention activities. The Missoula City-County Health Department currently employs a half-time employee and often relies on community volunteers to conduct suicide prevention trainings. Missoula has the highest number of veteran suicides of any county in Montana, and the second highest number of all suicides, following Yellowstone County. Funding to support instructor training, literature and increased outreach with high risk groups would provide significant, and much-needed, assistance to our community.
    Please support HB 118.

  5. Sent the following:

    Missoula County supports HB 118 - Revise and provide additional funding for state suicide prevention program, being heard on the Senate floor tomorrow morning. HB 118 provides increased funding for suicide prevention activities. The Missoula City-County Health Department currently employs a half-time employee and often relies on community volunteers to conduct suicide prevention trainings. Missoula has the highest number of veteran suicides of any county in Montana, and the second highest number of all suicides, following Yellowstone County. Funding to support instructor training, literature and increased outreach with high risk groups would provide significant, and much-needed, assistance to our community.

    Please support HB 118.


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