Representatives Hertz, McConnell, Morigeau, and Olsen,
Missoula County opposes SB 7 - Generally revise net metering, before House Federal Relations, Energy & Telecommunications tomorrow morning. SB 7 establishes in statute that net metering should not be subsidized by other customers. This bill uses cost shifting, which is inherent in the utility grid system, to discriminate against net metered customers. This would create increased costs for net metered customers who would not receive the full benefits of their energy program. Because of the extensive transmission and distribution lines that need to be built and maintained, customers in rural areas require higher costs to provide service. Despite creating these higher costs, rural and remote customers pay the same rate as customers in densely populated urban areas who do not incur higher costs. Under current subsidization regulations, net metering customers in rural areas often pay the same costs of net metering as urban citizens. SB 7 aims to dismantle that system, and generate a greater divide between rural and urban residents by making it more difficult for people in rural areas to take advantage of renewable energy systems and net metering.
Sent February 2nd:
ReplyDeleteRepresentatives Hertz, McConnell, Morigeau, and Olsen,
Missoula County opposes SB 7 - Generally revise net metering, before House Federal Relations, Energy & Telecommunications tomorrow morning. SB 7 establishes in statute that net metering should not be subsidized by other customers. This bill uses cost shifting, which is inherent in the utility grid system, to discriminate against net metered customers. This would create increased costs for net metered customers who would not receive the full benefits of their energy program. Because of the extensive transmission and distribution lines that need to be built and maintained, customers in rural areas require higher costs to provide service. Despite creating these higher costs, rural and remote customers pay the same rate as customers in densely populated urban areas who do not incur higher costs. Under current subsidization regulations, net metering customers in rural areas often pay the same costs of net metering as urban citizens. SB 7 aims to dismantle that system, and generate a greater divide between rural and urban residents by making it more difficult for people in rural areas to take advantage of renewable energy systems and net metering.
Please oppose SB 7.